

About Your Powerful Goddess Photo Shoot  

“What makes you happy? What do you love best about your life?” These are the questions that open our conversation.  A Powerful Goddess  photo shoot is a celebration of gratitude for the strengths and talents that make you the unique woman that you are. It is a fun and memorable experience of playing dress up (or undress, if you prefer!) and stepping into the sandbox of creativity–winks, giggles and lots of laughter included. Let us create a legacy to capture the richness of your life’s many facets as career woman, mother, daughter, sister, friend, lover and goddess.  

This five generation portrait inspires my work.  I’m the screaming baby on my mom’s lap as she sits serenely beside her stoic mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother.  The photograph leaves me curious:  Who are these women aside from being wives and mothers?  What were their joys, dreams, desires, fantasies?  How different (or similar) are we in our journey of womanhood?


At your Powerful Goddess photo shoot, we will play with a range of moods from dreamy to steamy, adorable to reckless, trying each one like a change of costume, a different persona: a star of Old Hollywood, Super Model or Heroine, Goddess, every man’s fantasy, or the woman next door–with a touch of mystery.  Every pose is a beautiful expression of a woman’s confidence and power to be present and alive to all parts of herself, peeling back layer after layer, offering clues to her many, and often hidden, selves.

Give your daughter (and the rest of womankind) a glimpse of your unique power to make the most of what you’ve got, that they might take the cue to be their own  biggest fan, to claim the freedom to be true to their own self, to honor their own joys and desires. Your Powerful Goddess portraits leave a legacy imparting strength, confidence and trust that whatever makes a woman happy always leads her home to her own truth and power!

You are beautiful.

You are powerful.

You are more than enough!



Give the women you love the most unique gift of a

Powerful Goddess Gift Certificate

for a two hour photo shoot of up to three people:


Buy Now Button with Credit Cards


Sharon Birke

Managing Member, DoubleSmart LLC

Text 201 697 1947



Glamour Portraits of the Goddess in Every Woman


About The Artist Photographer

Sharon Birke is a creative artist with a passion for feeding every woman’s joy and courage to make the most of what she’s got. Sharon lives for learning, laughter, art, dancing, travel, and all things fun.  When she’s not creating portraits and mothering her three teens, you’ll likely find her nose deep in a book or plotting her next travel dventure. Sharon splits her time between the East Coast and her world travels. Follow her adventures on:

Facebook Powerful Goddess Portraits

Instagram PowerfulGoddess

 This Blog: PowerfulGoddess.com


Powerful Goddess, a trademark of DoubleSmart LLC,

supports the education of girls and the empowerment of women 

towards economic independence.

Ask Sharon for the gift of a portrait session with your loved ones

when you donate to these causes:


Women’s Rights Information Center

Women’s Rights Information Center equips women who are intent on establishing economic self-sufficiency (for their children and themselves) with a variety of technical, informational, educational, and practical life-enhancing programs in a positive and supportive environment in Englewood, NJ.


She’s The First

ShesTheFirst.org supports girls to be the first in their families to graduate high school and trains students to be global citizens through educational scholarships and programs that develop leadership, community engagement and cultural competency.


12 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. marilyn
    Nov 25, 2011 @ 04:41:03

    WOW!!!!! Beautiful pix!!!!!!!


  2. An admirer of your works
    Dec 07, 2011 @ 06:29:46

    Hi Sharky, I had been meaning to comment about your site for sometime now. It took the photos of the “Elusive Beauty ” to push me. It is an interesting metamorphosis your site has gone thru. I like it and hope you will still write about your family, travels and the inspiring topics with the same flair that always makes me think or smile and laugh. I enjoy the photos you include. I am especially a lover of B&Wphotography. I think it tells a detailed story of the subject. I also love your self portrait. You are as beautiful as Ms Elusive but not so elusive. I like the apron photo…shows your humorous side…:) Being the wrong sex I will most likely not be one of your models…a good thing! The best of luck with what I discribe as “your works”, whats next, the book? I want a autographed copy!


    • Powerful Goddess Photography
      Dec 08, 2011 @ 14:50:50

      Dear Mountain,

      Reading letters like yours is the only way I want to start my mornings! Thank you so much for your bright ideas and appreciation.
      Your kindness, good taste and intelligence are evident in your writing. I know quite a few single ladies who appreciate such qualities.

      And yes, more of me will be on this blog bit by bit… a book is definitely in the horizon of possibilities!

      Keep spreading love and laughs…

      PS There is no such thing as the wrong sex. 😉


  3. Maya Guesthouse Project
    Dec 19, 2011 @ 05:40:41

    Hi Sharon,

    you ARE a great artist. Bravo! Great concept and pictures!

    Thank you for your interest in our straw bale hotel.

    We’ll keep in touch.

    Greetings from Switzerland

    Lisa + Louis


    • Powerful Goddess Photography
      Dec 19, 2011 @ 14:30:39

      Thank you so much, Lisa and Louis–
      Travel is one of my loves.
      I may show up at your hotel one of these years…


  4. Nina
    Apr 09, 2012 @ 13:07:38

    Hello Sharky.
    It’s AMAZING, so much PASSION,FEELINGS, INSPIRATION, LOVE and SUPPORT which all women need at any age.I love all your work. Women body it is a real ART.Thank you so much Nina


    • Powerful Goddess Photography
      Apr 10, 2012 @ 10:49:45

      It’s a sunny morning here that’s made even brighter by your praise, Nina–
      Yes, there is no greater landscape than a woman’s body.
      Thank you so much for feeling the love in my work and for articulating it here!


  5. Adrianne Ryan
    Apr 27, 2012 @ 14:19:55

    Hello Sharky – I love your work . I would only suggest that you eliminate the constriction of ” wife and mother in her 40’s ” demographic from your copy and stress the inherent glamour and sexiness of women of all ages . You would still be attracting the same niche market , without the unecessary limitation imposed by extremely limiting parameters .

    Wishing you continued success …


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