Spring Bloom

The earth laughs

in flowers.

Ralph Waldo Emerson


Happy first day of Spring, my darlings! And what a thrill to celebrate the day that has just been declared the first International Day of Happiness! For who doesn’t get happy knowing the long slumber of winter is over and flower season is near? This Powerful Goddess does not have to wait for anyone to bring her flowers, she blooms like no other any day of the year!

What took us so long to think of this annual happiness celebration anyway?  Goddess knows!  What did take me most of my life to realize is that happiness has many faces. Many insist on a smile and a happy face as important indicators–we all know they aren’t that dependable. Some people require silence and a solitary existence, others can’t live without constant noise and the next emergency.  There are those who look forward to retirement  heaven, while a few see it as certain death.  Contrary to popular belief, misery and suffering bring some a certain comfort, so it’s wise to bite the tongue and curb our habit of giving advice. Whatever our personal definition, the world’s happiness at large may depend on our letting go of the need to convert others to our chosen “religion,” especially those whom we live with every day.

Since one whole year is a very long time to wait for the next happiness celebration, click on “Leave a Comment” (above left) to add to this list of little nothings that add joy to your every day.

flowers out my window, birds in the backyard

no snow to shovel

old photographs

funnies and a good belly laugh

a clean kitchen sink

scheming with friends

finding street parking in NYC

kindness, thoughtful gifts, happy surprises

curls, swirls, and beauty in style and design

high ceilings and glorious chandeliers

arches, curves, and unexpected angles

dressing up

yellow, orange, red and sunshiny hues

reading, dancing, and learning something new

a husband who helps around the house on weekends

the smile on my daughter’s face

seeing my sons cook dinner–sometimes cajoled, sometimes nagged, always reassured that no woman can resist a man who cooks and brings her flowers for no occasion, in any season.











© Sharon Birke

201 697 1947

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