The Mermaid

I must be a mermaid.

I have no fear of depths and

a great fear of shallow living.

Anais Nin


As we schemed on concepts for her portraits, Powerful Goddess Cora Poage said, “My husband loves to play on the beach.”  Visions of her fair skin on blue captured my imagination, her body graceful as she “swims” while I keep my camera dry.  For what man can resist a mermaid who beckons like this?!

I asked if she could stay out of the sun until her portrait session–quite a challenge through the summer, no?  Marvel of marvels, she did!

Cora walked onto the set I created with the biggest smile, thrilled to find her favorite shade of blue as the fabric of our pretend ocean.   Having heard she loves her chest and shoulders, I draped the fabric on her to reveal these favorite features while accentuating her delicious curves.  Giant conch shells must double as nautical telephones where cellular service can’t reach.   And when she confessed that “The Little Mermaid” was her favorite story as a young girl, I had to hand her a mirror and give her hair that Disney swirl, too.

Gee, Mom, your “Little Mermaid” is all woman now!

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© Sharon Birke

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Glamour Portraits of the Goddess in Every Wife & Mother