Fresh From the French Press

The best thing about London

is Paris.

Diana Vreeland


Who says your closet is the only place to find something to wear for glamour portraits?  This Powerful Goddess looked in her mailbox instead!  The day’s headline happened to be perfect for this charming British native who has been a hip Parisienne in the past decade.  I huffed and puffed struggling to keep up with her boundless energy as she zipped nonstop through venues that were meaningful to her.  Then she headed off to pick up the kids from school and assume the mommy hat (beret?) the rest of the day.  How does she do it?  All I know is that I needed a giant nap afterwards!

With her cheerful optimism, there’s no guessing that this brave woman is in the middle of a life transition that would throw others into a tizzy.   I am in awe of the courage and strength packed in her petite frame, her ability to graciously welcome another stage of growth, exploring career possibilities while juggling her roles as woman and mother.   One of the great blessings of my work is meeting inspiring women like her and being appreciated for the love I put into what I do.   She told me she adores photos with the 70’s finish so I gave her portraits that faded polaroid look.  A very special hug and merci beaucoup to this Powerful Goddess for showing me the true meaning of “Avec plaisir!”
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© Sharon Birke

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Glamour Portraits for the Goddess in Every Wife & Mother

Old Polaroid Portrait by Sharon Birke